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Our Business Plan

The Newman Institute for Skillbuilding Business Plan

Educational Services


The Newman Institute for Skillbuilding has a clear business objective to develop, produce, promote and distribute educational products and services. These products and services have been developed with a core focus on helping young adults develop the life skills (i.e. character traits, social graces, communication, language, personal habits, interpersonal skills, leadership skills) needed to live productive, successful lives.

The Business Objectives

A key component of our growth strategy is identifying and outlining our business objectives, and aligning these objectives with clear and measurable development milestones. Our key long term business objective is to launch new products. Our existing products have been useful for testing customer interest, however, new products are required to fully capitalize on our business potential. Our growth path is clearly oriented around the addition of new products, the development of these new products and the subsequent marketing of these products. It is understood that costs will be associated with product development and marketing and these have been allowed for in our budget.

The Customer

The Newman Institute for Skillbuilding has been created with a clear focus on the needs of our customers. Through a structured customer discovery process, we have validated the key customer problem as life (soft) skill development. This is a critical issue for our selected target market of high school and college graduates.

The Value Proposition

The Newman Institute for Skillbuilding is uniquely positioned to deliver value to high school and college graduates. The Newman Institute for Skillbuilding will provide products that will teach them the skills they need to be the best workers on their jobs, the best partners in their relationships, the best parents to their children, and the best citizens in our communities. In order to deliver this value proposition, we will utilize the academic intelligence, professional and life experiences of experts in the community who are willing to provide one-on-one training, coaching, and mentoring to young adults. We have put considerable time and effort in developing and accessing the resources that form the cornerstone of our competitive advantage.


We have a number of competitors within the educational market. We have used our knowledge of our competitors to refine our strategy and value proposition. We believe that we can compete effectively by providing unique, one-on-one, face-to-face engagement with customers as they work to develop the skills they need to improve their lives.

Key Strategies

Over the next 6 months our focus will be developing curricula. This task will be undertaken in the context of our broader strategy to create new products (i.e. books, DVDs, podcasts). These strategies are a tactical implementation of our overall business goal as outlined above.


Measurement of the successful implementation of our strategies will be governed by measurable development milestones. The milestones that will be achieved over the next two years are: 1) launching 25 new products, 2) selling our products to over 500 new customers, and 3) to travel across the country promoting the product(s).

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