The Newman Institute for Skillbuilding
The Newman Institute for Skillbuilding (NIFS) was founded in 2010 with the purpose of educating young adults and facilitating their developing the soft skills needed for workplace and family life success. Skillbuilding focus areas include: communication, problem-solving, conflict resolution, interpersonal relationships, parenting, critical thinking, social skills, etiquette, and professionalism. The NIFS is a not-for-profit agency that provides educational services that include one-on-one coaching, workshops, seminars, and conference presentations. The educational resources offered include access to skilled, trained professionals, peer experts, self-help books and workbooks, webinars, podcasts, educational DVDs, and educational fieldtrips.
Educational services and resources are provided in community agencies, faith-based organizations, and government agencies.
Educational services and resources are offered by licensed and unlicensed professionals, educators, certified life coaches, clergy, and peer experts.
Educational services are available by appointment, only. Skillbuilders are assigned to projects based on expertise and availability.
The Newman Institute for Skillbuilding was founded by Sherman and Paula Newman. Paula serves as the Chief Executive Officer and Sherman serves as the Chief Operations Officer. They have over 25 years of experience working with children, adolescents and adults in Raleigh, Durham, Chapel Hill, Pittsboro, and Roxboro, North Carolina communities. They are committed to helping people in their communities build the skills needed to become productive and successful citizens.
Paula is an Educational Psychologist and Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor Supervisor. Sherman is a former high school educator, residential counselor, and Desert Storm U.S. Army Veteran. He currently works in retail management and has a passion for customer service.
The Newmans enjoy leading a marriage ministry, traveling, attending concerts and art-focused events, and spending time with their two adult children.

The Newman Institute for Skillbuilding (NIFS) is a non-profit organization. Individual and group donations are welcomed. The NIFS sponsors two annual fundraising events to raise funds for educational tools, resources, and workshop presentations. Additionally, NIFS seeks grant opportunities to support its educational projects. We would also love to have your support of our efforts to change and improve lives across the state of North Carolina.
Please consider making a donations to:
The Newman Institute for Skillbuilding or NIFS
1921 North Pointe Drive, Suite 207, Box 16
Durham, North Carolina 27705